HIGH QUALITY BALSAMIC VINEGARS, Our premium barrel aged lavender balsamic vinegar is all natural simply the best and versatile. Olive oil & Beyond's balsamic vinegar is made from the juice of just-harvested white grapes (typically, Trebbiano grapes) boiled down to approximately 30% of its original volume to create a concentrate (or must), and it has been made in Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy, since the Middle Ages. Produced in the traditional fashion and aged for at least up to 18 years in oak barrels, our Traditional Balsamic vinegar is one of the finest from Modena, Italy. Because of the arduous production process, only a limited amount of traditional balsamic vinegar make it to the US market each year and Olive Oil & Beyond is proud to be able to offer a large variety of premium balsamic. The love and dedication that goes into producing this exquisite example of balsamic vinegar has led to its P.G.I certification, which stands for Protected Geographical Indication; it is a high honor in the country with some of the world's highest standards for its food products. A P.G.I. certification ensures that the balsamic vinegar is made according to traditional, time-honored methods, using only approved ingredients and is produced in Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy. This certification stands for exceptional quality and a deep love for producing only the finest traditional balsamic vinegars in the world. Our premium Lavender Balsamic vinegar is a hybrid of 18-year-old balsamic and lavender, a blend of fresh lavender and Trebbiano grapes. This balsamic has the sweetness of fine, aged balsamic vinegar and the fragrance and flavor of soothing lavender.
PAIRING SUGGESTIONS: Our Lavender Balsamic can be blended with very mild or slightly assertive extra virgin olive oils with equally satisfying results. Try it with our Biancollila or Tonda Iblea extra virgins for a sweet and fruity vinaigrette or dip, or mix it with our Greek Koroneiki for a slightly tarter flavor. It is wonderful in salads featuring crumbled cheeses, fruit, and nasturtiums. Because of its thickness, this is also among our best balsamic for desserts. Try it on ice cream or fruit!
Barrel Aged | Honored with 4 leaf | All Natural | Gluten Free | PGI Certified | Vegan | Free of additives or preservatives At Olive Oil & Beyond we are constantly looking for and evaluating new products.